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eMail kemenangan Obama untuk Para Pendukungnya

 Tahukah anda apa isi email ucapan terima kasih Obama kepada para pendukungnya??. Email tersebut  dikirim sebelum Obama memberikan pidato kemenangan di Chicago.
nah Berikut isi Emailnya

From: Barack Obama

Date: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 8:41 PM

Subject: How this happened
I’m about to go speak to the crowd here in Chicago, but I wanted to thank you first.
I want you to know that this wasn’t fate, and it wasn’t an accident. You made this happen.
You organized yourselves block by block. You took ownership of this campaign five and ten dollars at a time. And when it wasn’t easy, you pressed forward.
I will spend the rest of my presidency honoring your support, and doing what I can to finish what we started.
But I want you to take real pride, as I do, in how we got the chance in the first place.
Today is the clearest proof yet that, against the odds, ordinary Americans can overcome powerful interests.
There’s a lot more work to do.
But for right now: Thank you.



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